Monday, 19 September 2011


Hey, everybody. This is Thalia Lane, the Earth Spirit. ...That is so weird to say that I'm still not sure it's true. I guess that since this is my first entry I should kind of explain what's going on, so you aren't all totally lost.

What you know about magic and stuff is wrong. Unless, of course, you happen to be in the group with me right now. Still, that's six people out of the whole world, and I doubt the rest of you are totally caught up. Anyway, here's the gist of things: Every so often, the Elements of the natural world wake up and take the form of humans. Generally, all the Elements don't wake up at the same time, because there are seven individual Elements: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Dark, Light, and Spirit. For some reason, though, they've all woken up at the same time right now. It's the first time in several hundred years, according to the Guardian. He's our mentor, by the way.

SO. I named this blog "Thalia's Elemental Mission" because that's what I'm on. A mission. Phase one is down (getting to the Guardian), but Phase two is proving to be a little harder. Phase two involves finding the Spirit... spirit, I suppose... and getting him or her to come with us. Phase three is staying alive, and obviously has to be done during the other two Phases as well as after.

Isaac wants to discuss some strategy right now, so I can't write any more today. I'll be back later, and try to explain a little more.


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